Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works
Works published in “People’s Daily”, “Art”, “Chinese Art”, “Chinese Painter”, “China Culture News”, “China Information News”, “China Ocean News”, “China Art News”, “China Painting and Calligraphy News” “, “Art Newspaper”, “Shenzhou Poetry, Calligraphy and Pictorial” and many other newspapers and periodicals, CCTV, People’s Daily Online and major portal websites have reported and introduced many times.
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works出版著作 《中国当代实力派画家·许坤涛》 《中国当代著名画家个案研究·许坤涛》 《收藏界关注的中国画家·许坤涛写意海洋画精品》 《中国当代著名画家艺术研究·许坤涛水墨海洋》 《中国美术家大系·许坤涛》(以上画册均为北京工艺美术出版社出版发行) 《中国当代著名画家·许坤涛写意山水作品》(天津人民美术出版社出版发行) 《意韵·中国当代美术最具潜力画家许坤涛》(江西美术出版社出版发行) 《{收藏}年鉴人物志· 许坤涛》(人民美术出版社出版发行)published works “Chinese Contemporary Powerful Painter Xu Kuntao” “Case Study of Famous Contemporary Chinese Painters·Xu Kuntao” “Chinese Painter Xu Kuntao’s Freehand Ocean Paintings Focused by the Collecting Circle” “Research on the Art of Famous Contemporary Chinese Painters: Xu Kuntao’s Ink and Wash Ocean” “Chinese Artists: Xu Kuntao” (the above albums are published by Beijing Arts and Crafts Publishing House) “Famous Contemporary Chinese Painter Xu Kuntao’s Freehand Landscape Works” (published by Tianjin People’s Fine Arts Publishing House) “Yun: Xu Kuntao, the Most Potential Painter in Chinese Contemporary Art” (published by Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House) “{collect} Yearbook Characters Xu Kuntao” (published by People’s Fine Arts Publishing House)
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works搭乘许坤涛方舟去赏海 Take Xu Kuntao’s Ark to enjoy the sea 旅游界常闻:“黄山归来不看山,三亚归来不看海”,也就是说,看了黄山的山已经看尽了山景,领略了三亚的海已经美满了海景。而画家许坤涛却是“黄山出来不顾山,抵达三亚融入海”。他生长在安徽省皖江古城安庆,离黄山不远,上世纪80年代末,已经在国画创作方面初露头角的他,毅然走出安庆,告别黄山,一路寻觅,跨越琼州海峡,一头扎进三亚,融入了三亚的海。从此,他的笔下不再是熟悉的皖山皖水,而是逢海升一级的三亚的海。 It is often heard in the tourism industry: “When you return from Huangshan, you don’t look at the mountains, and when you return from Sanya, you don’t look at the sea.” As for the painter Xu Kuntao, he “came out of Huangshan to ignore the mountains and arrived in Sanya to merge into the sea”. He grew up in Anqing, the ancient city of Anhui River in Anhui Province, not far from Huangshan. In the late 1980s, he had already made his debut in the creation of Chinese painting. He resolutely walked out of Anqing, bid farewell to Huangshan, searched all the way, crossed the Qiongzhou Strait, plunged into Sanya, and integrated into Sanya. to the sea of Sanya. Since then, his writings are no longer the familiar mountains and rivers of Anhui, but the sea of Sanya, which is upgraded every time the sea.
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works 30多年来,他把三亚的海装进心海,又喷吐渲泻于一方方咫尺宣纸上,让人们搭乘他的一叶叶方舟去遨游那神奇瑰丽的大海,获得心满意足的美的享受。许多人都称他为“许大海”,其实“坤涛”这一名字,本意也是“大海”呀,“坤”为“地”卦,“涛”为“海”貌,“地海”不就是“大海”吗? For more than 30 years, he has put the sea of Sanya into the sea of his heart, and exhaled it on the rice paper that is just a short distance away. Many people call him “Xu Dahai”. In fact, the name “Kun Tao” also means “the sea”. Is it “the sea”?
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works 他初入海南,涉猎的是琼岛的云山,创作了一批云山的作品,经过数年在琼岛海上与海风、海浪、海潮、海流、海韵为伴的艰苦写生后,他的创作题材就名正笔顺地定位于“大海”了。在中国绘画史上,没有出现过以海洋为主题创作的海洋画家和作品;而西方以海洋为主题的作品则不胜枚举。西方表现海洋的作品主要依靠光影、明暗、色彩的写实造型,而用中国画的笔墨情趣和写意技法画海,在洋人那里是无可师从的。 He first entered Hainan, dabbling in the Yunshan Mountains of Qiongdao, and created a number of Yunshan works. The theme of creation is rightly positioned in the “sea”. In the history of Chinese painting, there are no marine painters and works created with the theme of the ocean; while there are countless works with the theme of the ocean in the West. Western works that express the ocean mainly rely on the realistic modeling of light and shadow, light and shade, and color, while the use of Chinese painting’s pen and ink and freehand techniques to paint the ocean is impossible for foreigners to learn from.
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works 许坤涛说:“没有前人可以依靠,我只有面对海洋,只能凭自己的一双眼睛来观察,只能靠自己的心灵来领悟,只能凭自己的双手来开拓,将自己的心智融入到海洋里,唤起对海洋世界的想象力,创作出符合国画笔墨特殊规范的艺术语言和体现独特的中国风采的海洋画。”他真的要像唐僧师徒“敢问路在何方,路在脚下”那样,也来一番九九八十一难历程,去探索中国海洋画的“真经”了。他除了读无字的书——大海外,还读有字的书——国画大师的“真经”。本世纪初,他考入北京画院高研班王明明工作室研读,进而潜心研究艺术的创作理念。 Xu Kuntao said: “I have no predecessors to rely on, I can only face the ocean, I can only observe with my own eyes, I can only comprehend with my own heart, I can only develop with my own hands, and integrate my own mind into the ocean. In the ocean, arouse the imagination of the ocean world, and create an artistic language that conforms to the special specifications of Chinese brushes and inks and ocean paintings that reflect unique Chinese style.” He really wanted to be like Tang Seng and his apprentice “dare to ask where the road is, and the road is at the foot. “In that case, it is time to go through a difficult journey to explore the “true scripture” of Chinese marine painting. In addition to reading books without words—Dai Wai, he also read books with words—“True Classics” of Chinese painting masters. At the beginning of this century, he was admitted to Wang Mingming’s studio, a high-level research class of the Beijing Academy of Painting, and then devoted himself to researching the creative concept of art.
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works 许坤涛注意把握画笔的辩证法度。中国水墨画善于渲染写意而不善于写实刻画,他却融渲染写意和写实刻画为一体,借鉴西画的满密、透视与三维空间的手法,又融入中国传统绘画的空灵处理手法,做到形态和神态兼备,把大海表现得丰富生动;在构图中,注意处理海涛与岸物的主衬关系,使作品疏密相间、浓淡互动、干湿互补,石礁、椰林、雨林等岸物的平静沉默与浪涛奔腾相映成趣;在处理整体与局部的关系上,注意做到把大气磅礴的审美空间与物态符号的细微表现相协调,在留白中以局部折射整体,含蓄着南海的自然特点与迷人情韵。 Xu Kuntao pays attention to grasping the dialectics of the brush. Chinese ink painting is good at rendering freehand but not good at realistic depiction, but he integrates rendering freehand with realistic depiction, borrowing the techniques of fullness, perspective and three-dimensional space of Western painting, and incorporating the ethereal processing techniques of traditional Chinese painting, so as to achieve form and demeanor. Both, the sea is rich and vivid; in the composition, attention should be paid to the main lining relationship between the sea waves and the shore objects, so that the works are dense and dense, the shades are interactive, the dry and wet complement each other, and the shore objects such as rock reefs, coconut groves, and rain forests are calm. Silence and the rushing waves create an interesting contrast; in dealing with the relationship between the whole and the parts, attention should be paid to the coordination of the magnificent aesthetic space with the subtle expressions of the physical symbols, and the parts reflect the whole in the blank space, which implies the natural characteristics and charm of the South China Sea. Love rhyme.
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works 纵览许坤涛创作的体现个人独特风采的海洋中国画,不仅表现海南的热带海洋季风气候的海,也是表现中国的海,也是表现世界的海,是现代艺术对传统艺术的消融,是中国艺术对西方艺术的消融。 Looking at the marine Chinese paintings created by Xu Kuntao that reflect his unique style, it not only expresses the sea of Hainan’s tropical marine monsoon climate, but also the sea of China and the world. ablation.
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works 他总是给大海赋予华彩的诗章,把实态的现实海洋提升为浪漫的艺术的海洋。他的海洋画作品充满热带海洋的诗情和意韵,像一首首大海之歌、自然之歌、生命之歌。他总是把涉海生活的感悟融贯画中,借大海的形象抒发宽博的情怀,塑造出物我交融的意境。运用明暗变化,把人们的思路从真实的自然的感觉中引向一种气势飞扬的意象世界,从而在产生与画家心意的共鸣中受到感染。他总是给大海注入天之涯、海之角的景致,让三亚的海的形象飞扬海内外。都做到了笔随心到,充分表现了三亚之海的波涛壮阔和风姿绰约的瑰丽景象。 He always endows the sea with colorful poems, elevating the real ocean of reality to the ocean of romantic art. His marine paintings are full of the poetry and rhythm of the tropical ocean, like songs of the sea, of nature, and of life. He always integrates the perception of life related to the sea into his paintings, and uses the image of the sea to express his broad feelings and create an artistic conception of the fusion of things and me. Using the change of light and shade, people’s thoughts are guided from the real natural feeling to an imposing image world, which is infected by the resonance with the painter’s heart. He always injects the sea with the view of the end of the world and the corner of the sea, and makes the image of the sea in Sanya fly at home and abroad. All of them have done the writing as you like, fully showing the magnificent scene of the magnificent waves and graceful appearance of the sea of Sanya.
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works 许坤涛辛勤耕耘水墨海洋,收获是丰硕的。成功永远垂青于不懈的追求者,浩瀚大海。这块哺育了许坤涛的神奇海洋,必将给予他更加丰厚的人生回报,许坤涛仍在奋力地向前奔探,但愿他不断地引领搭乘他的方舟去赏海的人们,向水墨海洋的深度和广度进发! 作者:王槐光(当代著名作家) Xu Kuntao’s hard work in the ocean of ink painting has yielded fruitful results. Success always favors the unremitting pursuer, the vast sea. This magical ocean that has nurtured Xu Kuntao will definitely give him a richer life reward. Xu Kuntao is still struggling to move forward. I hope he will continue to lead the people who take his ark to appreciate the sea to the depth of the ink and wash ocean. And the breadth of progress! Author: Wang Huaiguang (a famous contemporary writer)
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works艺术年表 1988年在海口举办“许坤涛中国画作品展览” 1990年在三亚举办“许坤涛画展” 1994年《秋泉鸣幽壑》获凤凰国际艺术展一等奖 1997年《秋岭归云图》获欧洲中国艺术大展佳作奖 1998年《椰岛幽云》入选文化和旅游部北京首届国际扇面书画艺术展 2000年《海色天光》入选浙江当代中国书画名家作品邀请展 2002年获国家人事部颁发、中国画杰出人才奖 《山流翡翠水流霞》获中国书画报、中国青年美术家百杰 《春在椰乡》获《国画家杂志》中国画小品画扇面精作大展三等奖 2004年《碧海银波》入选人民日报庆祝“澳门回归祖国五周年”书画展 《碧海连天》入选中国美协“建国五十五周年国庆”全国青年书画展 《银光灿烂》入选海南全国名家书画邀请展 2005年《天涯海角椰香飘》入选中国美协第二届“菜乡情”全国中国画作品提名展 《四海乘风》入选中国美协“纪念抗日战争胜利60周年”全国中国画作品展 《心潮》入选中国美协“长江颂”全国中国画作品提名展 《心潮逐浪》入选中国美协苏州胥口“太湖情”全国中国画作品提名展 《海市蜃楼》入选山东海峡两岸书画名家邀请展 2006年分别在韩国江原道春川国立博物馆、首尔扶南美术馆举办许坤涛画展 《海天一色》入选上海全国书画院作品展 《心随潮涌》入选中国美协纪念中国美术大师“李苦禅艺术馆”开馆全国中国画作品提名展 2007年《南海卫士》入选中国美协首届“草原情”全国中国画作品提名展 《鳌山惊涛》入选中国美协第二届“齐白石奖”全国中国画作品展 《碧波无尽》入选成都走进经典·2007年度优秀水墨画家作品邀请展(荣获杰出艺术奖) 《心的港湾》入选文化和旅游部北京香港“世纪伟业”中国绘画艺术特展 《椰风翠涛》入选中国美协2007纪念“黄道周”全国中国画作品提名展 2008年《春潮逐浪》入选中国国家博物馆纪念中国改革开放30周年艺术成就展(被国家博物馆收藏) 《无尘南海》入选中国国家画院纪念改革开放30周年 “回顾印象”中国画学术展览 2009年中国书画报专版介绍 《中国海洋报》专题介绍报道 《海雨天风》入选中国文化管理协会、中国国家博物馆、中国美协、中国书协“中华人民共和国60周年书画(当代)”艺术成果展 《海天无际》入选中国国家画院中国金鸡百花电影节首届中国美术家“翰墨飘香”作品展 《山钦观涛》入选山东“泰山碧霞祠千年庆典”全国书画名家精品展 在海口举办“以海观照·许坤涛中国海洋画作品展” 2010年《海天无际》入选文化和旅游部、中国国家画院“迎新春”扇面中国画邀请展 《龙吟虎啸》入选中国国家画院中国美术家“红色之旅”中国画邀请展 《东郊椰韵》、《海色天光》入选中国书画家艺术研究院“首届特邀名家书画作品巡回展” 《银光璀璨》入选兰州成功美术馆“第一届当代著名画家精品收藏展” 入选2011-2012年中国当代美术年度人物百家风云榜 2012年名家《杂志》专版介绍 2012年《山海聚秀》入选第七届当代中国山水画展(荣获当代山水画艺术杰出成就奖) 入选神州诗书画报2012-2013年最具学术实力与收藏价值年度人物 2013年八幅海洋画作品入选首都博物馆“拥抱蓝色海疆”中国海洋画展 2015年《心随万境》入选宏宝堂乙未迎春书画精品展 《雨林青翠》入选海南省·马来西亚书画作品交流展。 《到清凉境》入选全国政协杂志社中国书画名家禅意作品展 《海天之间》入选庆祝建国66周年百名书画家作品邀请展品展 2016年《寿山福海》入选全国政协杂志社“为人民抒怀”中国书画名家精品展 《山水》入选宏宝堂第十九届书画名家百扇展 《碧波涌翠浪》入选中国侨联、中国文联、中国美协、中国书协共同主办的第三届世界华侨华人美术书法展 《浩瀚惊涛》入选走进大师—纪念李鱓诞辰330周年当代翰墨名家邀请展 2017年入选联合国世界非物质文化遗产保护基金会▪美国集邮集团联合出品,世界邮票上的杰出华人艺术家许坤涛纪念珍藏册 2018年《铜鼓佛光》入选天远帆高故乡情海南省·澳门(琼籍)书画摄影作品交流展 2020年《唐杜牧诗意》入选教育部全国语文同步古典诗词颂读配画初中语文教材,初三语文上册课本 《海上生明月》入选扬州八怪书画院成立15周年“全国翰墨名家邀请展”
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s worksArt Chronology In 1988, “Xu Kuntao Chinese Painting Exhibition” was held in Haikou In 1990, “Xu Kuntao’s Painting Exhibition” was held in Sanya In 1994, “Autumn Quan Mingyu” won the first prize of Phoenix International Art Exhibition In 1997, “Autumn Mountains Returning to the Clouds” won the Excellent Work Award of the European Chinese Art Exhibition In 1998, “Coconut Island and Clouds” was selected for the first international fan-face painting and calligraphy art exhibition in Beijing by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism In 2000, “Sea Colors and Sky Light” was selected into the Invitational Exhibition of Zhejiang Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Famous Works In 2002, he was awarded the Outstanding Talent Award for Chinese Painting by the Ministry of Personnel of the People’s Republic of China “Mountain Flow Jade Water Flow Xia” won the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Newspaper, China’s Young Artists Baijie “Spring in Coconut Township” won the third prize in the “Chinese Painter’s Magazine” Chinese painting sketch fan painting exhibition In 2004, “Blue Sea and Silver Wave” was selected into the People’s Daily to celebrate the “5th Anniversary of Macao’s Return to the Motherland” calligraphy and painting exhibition “Blue Sea and Sky” was selected into the National Youth Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of the “55th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China” by the China Artists Association “Brilliant Silver” was selected for the Hainan National Famous Calligraphy and Painting Invitational Exhibition In 2005, “The Ends of the Earth, Coconut Fragrance” was selected for the 2nd China Artists Association Nomination Exhibition of National Chinese Painting Works “The Four Seas Riding the Wind” was selected into the China Artists Association “Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War” National Chinese Painting Exhibition “Heart Tide” was selected into the China Artists Association “Ode to the Yangtze River” National Chinese Painting Nomination Exhibition “Tide of the Heart” was selected for the China Artists Association Suzhou Xukou “Taihu Love” National Chinese Painting Nomination Exhibition “Mirage” was selected for the invitational exhibition of famous calligraphy and painting artists on both sides of the strait in Shandong In 2006, Xu Kuntao’s art exhibitions were held in Chuncheon National Museum, Gangwon-do, South Korea and Funan Art Museum in Seoul respectively. “Sea and Sky One Color” was selected for the Shanghai National Painting and Calligraphy Academy Works Exhibition “Heart Flows with the Tide” was selected for the National Chinese Painting Nomination Exhibition by the China Artists Association to commemorate the opening of the “Li Kuchan Art Museum” by the Chinese Artists Association In 2007, “Guardian of the South China Sea” was selected for the first “Prairie Love” National Chinese Painting Nomination Exhibition of China Artists Association “Aoshan Jingtao” was selected for the 2nd “Qi Baishi Award” National Chinese Painting Exhibition of China Artists Association “Endless Blue Waves” was selected into Chengdu Entering Classics 2007 Invitational Exhibition of Outstanding Ink Painters (Won the Outstanding Art Award) “Harbor of the Heart” was selected into the “Century Great Achievement” Chinese Painting Art Exhibition in Beijing and Hong Kong of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism “Coconut Wind and Green Waves” was selected into the China Artists Association’s 2007 National Chinese Painting Nomination Exhibition to commemorate the “Zodiac Week” In 2008, “Spring Tide Chasing the Waves” was selected in the National Museum of China to commemorate the 30th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up art achievement exhibition (collected by the National Museum) “Dust-free South China Sea” was selected for the “Retrospective Impressions” Chinese Painting Academic Exhibition of the National Academy of Painting to commemorate the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up 2009 Chinese Calligraphy and Pictorial Special Edition Introduction “China Ocean News” special report “Sea Rain and Sky Wind” was selected into the “60th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China Painting and Calligraphy (Contemporary)” art achievement exhibition by the China Cultural Management Association, the National Museum of China, the China Artists Association, and the China Calligraphy Association “Sea and Sky Boundless” was selected for the first Chinese artist “Han Mo Piaoxiang” exhibition of the China National Academy of Painting China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival “Shanqin Guantao” was selected into Shandong “Taishan Bixia Temple Millennium Celebration” National Painting and Calligraphy Masters Fine Art Exhibition “Looking at the Sea: Xu Kuntao’s Chinese Ocean Painting Exhibition” was held in Haikou In 2010, “Boundless Sea and Sky” was selected into the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, China National Academy of Painting “Welcome to the New Year” Fan Chinese Painting Invitational Exhibition “Dragon Roaring and Tiger Roaring” was selected into the “Red Journey” Chinese Painting Invitational Exhibition of Chinese Artists at the China National Academy of Painting “Eastern Suburbs Coconut Rhyme” and “Sea and Sky Light” were selected into the “First Touring Exhibition of Specially Invited Famous Calligraphy and Painting Works” by the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painter Art “Bright Silver” was selected into the “First Collection Exhibition of Famous Contemporary Artists” by Lanzhou Chenggong Art Museum Selected in the 2011-2012 Chinese Contemporary Art Figures of the Year Hundred Artists List 2012 Introduction to the Special Edition of “Magazine” by Famous Artists In 2012, “Shan Hai Ju Xiu” was selected into the 7th Contemporary Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition (Won the Outstanding Achievement Award of Contemporary Landscape Painting Art) Selected as the person of the year with the most academic strength and collection value in 2012-2013 by Shenzhou Poetry, Calligraphy and Pictorial In 2013, eight marine paintings were selected into the Capital Museum’s “Embrace the Blue Sea Frontier” China Marine Painting Exhibition In 2015, “Heart Follows Myriad Realms” was selected into Hongbaotang Yiwei Spring Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition “Green Rainforest” was selected into the Hainan Province·Malaysia Painting and Calligraphy Works Exchange Exhibition. “To the Cool Realm” was selected into the exhibition of Zen works by famous Chinese calligraphy and painting artists of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference “Between the Sea and the Sky” was selected into the Invitational Exhibition of 100 Calligraphers and Painters to Celebrate the 66th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China In 2016, “Shoushan Fuhai” was selected into the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference’s “expressing feelings for the people” Chinese painting and calligraphy masterpiece exhibition “Shanshui” was selected for the 19th Hongbaotang Painting and Calligraphy Famous Hundred Fans Exhibition “Blue Waves and Green Waves” was selected into the 3rd World Overseas Chinese Art and Calligraphy Exhibition co-sponsored by China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, China Artists Association and China Calligraphy Association “Vast Stormy Waves” was selected as a master-invitational exhibition of contemporary calligraphers to commemorate the 330th anniversary of Li Hao’s birth In 2017, it was selected into the United Nations World Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Foundation, jointly produced by the American Philatelic Group, and the outstanding Chinese artist Xu Kuntao on the world stamps. In 2018, “Bronze Drum Buddha’s Light” was selected into Tianyuan Fangao’s Hometown Love Hainan Province Macau (Qiong Ji) Calligraphy, Painting and Photography Works Exchange Exhibition In 2020, “The Poetry of Tang and Du Mu” was selected as a Chinese textbook for junior middle school, and the first volume of Chinese textbook for the third year of junior high school. “The Bright Moon on the Sea” was selected into the “National Invitational Exhibition of Famous Calligraphy and Calligraphy Artists” for the 15th anniversary of the establishment of Yangzhou Eight Eccentric Painting and Calligraphy Institute
许坤涛作品欣赏 Appreciation of Xu Kuntao’s works 参考链接:http://www.nasdaqcj.com/education-2/2022/07/29/27070.html